We Believe…
- The Scriptures are inspired by God. They are the guidebook for everything pertaining to life and Godliness
- In one true and living God, eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The same in essence, equal in power and glory
- In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ
- In the sinful nature of man and that Christ was crucified according to Scripture for our sin, was buried and on the third day rose again from the dead to assure the salvation of those who believe in Him
- He ascended to heaven and now sits at the right hand of God to intercede for His people, and that one day He will come to judge all people
- In the forgiveness of sins for those who accept by faith the salvation offered through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
- In the resurrection of believers to eternal life with Jesus Christ and in the resurrection of unbelievers to eternal separation from God
- In the unity and common priesthood of all true believers who together form the one Universal Church, the Body of which Christ is the Head
- We are commanded to go into the World and preach the Gospel so that all may have an opportunity to hear the Good News and receive Christ as their personal Savior