Morgan - ASIA
Note: Certain details and photos of Morgan and her team have been intentionally left out for security reasons
Morgan is a part of Mekong Ministries and is working in Asia, engaging an unreached people group called the Tai Lue. This people group has over 1.5 million people world-wide and the majority live in the region where Morgan and her husband, son and twin girls live.. Morgan and her team long to see Tai Lue communities in love with Jesus reproducing throughout the region and beyond. They are working to cast vision, mentor and equip local leaders, facilitate the production of Biblical resources in the form of stories and songs in the Tai Lue language, and press on in prayer and boldness in order to catalyze a discipleship movement.
The Tai Lue people are a Buddhist-Animist people group and less than 1% of the population trusts in Jesus. We welcome you to partner with Morgan through prayer and giving, trusting God to bring his kingdom among the Tai Lue people for His glory!
Learn more about the Tai Lue people please see:
Note: Certain details and photos of Morgan and her team have been intentionally left out for security reasons
Morgan is a part of Mekong Ministries and is working in Asia, engaging an unreached people group called the Tai Lue. This people group has over 1.5 million people world-wide and the majority live in the region where Morgan and her husband, son and twin girls live.. Morgan and her team long to see Tai Lue communities in love with Jesus reproducing throughout the region and beyond. They are working to cast vision, mentor and equip local leaders, facilitate the production of Biblical resources in the form of stories and songs in the Tai Lue language, and press on in prayer and boldness in order to catalyze a discipleship movement.
The Tai Lue people are a Buddhist-Animist people group and less than 1% of the population trusts in Jesus. We welcome you to partner with Morgan through prayer and giving, trusting God to bring his kingdom among the Tai Lue people for His glory!
Learn more about the Tai Lue people please see: