Erin Mitchell - Mozambique AFRICA

PHONE: 011 258 843812819
About Erin
I have been working in Mozambique for 15 years. I am a worker at an orphanage where I work with the youngest children--overseeing them, teaching them, helping them with their daily activities. I also work as a preschool teacher in our school that includes children from the surrounding areas. This provides children more access to learning than they would have otherwise. It is very rare in Mozambique to be able to attend a preschool. We teach them songs, English, games, letters and numbers and all about Jesus. As children get older, I also help them with their homework and do some tutoring. I lead devotions with the girls sometimes.
We have also begun the first Girl Scout troop in Mozambique and I am involved in the leadership of that. Girl Scouts provides the girls with activities in many areas, and ways to show care for others.
I have been working in Mozambique for 15 years. I am a worker at an orphanage where I work with the youngest children--overseeing them, teaching them, helping them with their daily activities. I also work as a preschool teacher in our school that includes children from the surrounding areas. This provides children more access to learning than they would have otherwise. It is very rare in Mozambique to be able to attend a preschool. We teach them songs, English, games, letters and numbers and all about Jesus. As children get older, I also help them with their homework and do some tutoring. I lead devotions with the girls sometimes.
We have also begun the first Girl Scout troop in Mozambique and I am involved in the leadership of that. Girl Scouts provides the girls with activities in many areas, and ways to show care for others.