"The Berger Family" - ASIA
Note: For security reasons we do not have a personal photograph and do not include many details about our location and work.
The Berger Family has been working in Asia for over 8 years. We are committed to seeing our region transformed through evangelism, discipleship and church planting. We have a holistic goal of reaching every level of society, from migrant workers to teachers, from business people to government officials.
God has given our family the call to "...bring good news to the poor. He has sent us to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see and that the oppressed will be set free..." (Luke 4:18-19).
As a family, we are passionate about reaching families with the hope of the gospel! Our region suffers from many forms of relational brokenness, including high divorce rates, staggering abortion rates and all forms of abuse. We believe that bringing the healing of Jesus and the hope of the gospel to families will set in motion a transformation of the entire culture. We believe that God has called the family unit to be the key to reaching our region with the gospel.
In addition to this, we are called to work with the local church, assisting them through training and partnering with them to raise up and equip new leaders. Less than 1% of our region are currently believers and, with only 1 full time Christian worker for every 14,000 people, it is vital to help the church grow and be equipped in order for them to engage and reach their own people.
Please keep us and our region in your prayers! We are so grateful that you have chosen to partner with us through prayer, giving and reading our newsletters.
Please contact us at berger_family@live.com to subscribe to our newsletters!